Repair / Restoration

Repair / Restoration

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Matching the repair work to the instrument's quality that lays on my workbench is crucial. Bowed instruments encompass enduring components that, in certain cases, will need intervention and, if necessary, replacement. In the workshop, I will seek accessories that best fit each instrument and provide appropriate performance. A proper final assembly and acoustic adjustment of the bridge-soundpost relationship is essential for the correct operation of any bowed instrument. Equally significant is the rehairing and fine-tuning of the bows.

The primary objective of restoration is achieving optimal acoustic performance while preserving the instrument's aesthetic, structural, and historical integrity to the fullest extent. Replacement of a part will only occur if strictly necessary. In cases of severe damage, efforts will be made to recover the original appearance, sound, as well as playability of the instrument to the best possible level.

Another task to which I dedicate special attention is the set up of Baroque instruments; violin, viola, cello... As well as the conversion from classical to baroque in various degrees. Please don't hesitate to explore different options if you wish to adapt your modern bowed instrument to historically informed performance.

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